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Swansea University Golf Club offers a range of fantastic opportunities for everyone from golf enthusiasts with no playing experience to national standard players.

We currently have one team in the BUCS Western 1A league, and have committed to bringing in a second team in the 15/16 season.

Our first team comprises of six golfers with handicaps typically between 0 and 5. Whilst the second team offers an opportunity for those on who have missed out on the first team to express their abilities.

Whilst for keen golfers not yet at the standard to represent the university, we offer regular golf, every Wednesday and Sunday throughout term time, at Pennard Golf Club (pictured) for an annual fee of
£80. The boys often organise matches amongst themselves. Whilst we also run an Order of Merit competition aswell as a Club Singles Matchplay event.

Swansea University also send two representatives to the Boyd Quaich each year. A truly amazing experience for anyone lucky enough to be invloved.

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